Green Covermat



With the expansion of Thailand’s industrial sector, the number of plastic and paper usage has increased tremendously. In the meantime, this situation also intensified the carbon dioxide level in our atmosphere along with the gigantic consumption of water and trees (Which consider limited resources) within the process. Our company strongly believes that taking action to preserve the environment is the most pressing matter. For this reason, our company begins to search for something affordable whilst having enough potential to alternate with the existing materials. Resulting in the establishment of a new division called “Green Covermat“.

All of our hard-working led us to this remarkable result. Green Covermat became Thailand’s official distributor agent with TBM to import LIMEX pallets and LIMEX sheets, substituting plastic pallets and paper sheets. We could help lower the quantity of carbon dioxide levels from plastic manufacture along with the reduction usage of these precious limited resources, water and trees from paper production. Covermat Co,ltd, together with our significant partners, is continually developing products from this eco-friendly innovation, LIMEX.

Encourage sustainable development

According to the research, limestone is considered an exuberant natural resource. Compared to petroleum-based plastic, limestone can reduce up to 1/50 of carbon dioxide level during procurement and up to 58 percent during manufacturing. In comparison to the process of producing papers, we can save over 97% of water during the process of the LIMEX Sheet. Due to the fact that LIMEX Sheet required zero wood pulp to make, we play a big role in conserving important resources that are about to be cast out.

Green Covermat
(LIMEX Materials contribute SDGs)